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Free Formulator software for educational purposes!


 Formulator MathML Weaver

Formulator MathML Weaver is a powerful interactive mathematical expressions editor. It uses WYSIWYG-style editing and allows creating mathematical equations through simple point-and-click techniques. Formulator is the intelligent software, aware of Presentation and Semantics face of mathematics. Advanced editing features are available by means of MathML authoring techniques which help Formulator to implement effective solutions for a wide audience of software developers, educators, students, STM publishers, etc.

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 Formulator Tarsia

Formulator Tarsia makes it easy to create your own mathematical learning activities. With this software you will easily be able to create, print out, save and exchange customised jigsaws, domino activities and a variety of rectangular card sort activities. The activities created using this software can be presented in printable form, ready to cut out.

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 Formulator MathML IE Performer

Formulator MathML IE Performer enhances Internet Explorer to display mathematical notations within a web page. It’s a browser plugin that enhances Internet Explorer to display mathematical notations within a web page.

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