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The most powerful resource to export is MathML representation of formulas. Formulator is closely connected with this approved standard and so any importing/exporting actions for MathML are naturally integrated into routine editing process, namely, in operations with the Clipboard and file open/save commands.

Another way to communicate in mathematics provides such means of export as converting formulas into graphic files and publishing mathematics on web.

The first feature is easy to use with the corresponding menu commands. Abilities of graphics export are rich for various purposes. The resulting files can be generated in a vector format (Windows Enhanced Metafile) or in several raster formats (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG).

Ability to publish mathematics on web is provided by following to W3C recommendation to have web pages written using XHTML with the MathML markup inlined. This feature is available from the menu command or by means of an additional mode of editing mathematical expressions (the "XHTML" option). The resulting web page can be easily viewed with modern popular internet browsers, either using additional plug-ins (e.g., Hermitech's own plug-in for Internet Explorer, known also as "Formulator MathML IE Performer", which is based on Formulator), or by browser’s native methods.